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Kusz Veronika: Pál Járdányi

Hungarian Composers 32


时期: 20th Century
语言: English
页数: 32 页
首次出版: 2016
出版者: Mágus Kiadó
刊物代码: MZ32EN
ISMN: 9789631261899
Pál Járdányi (1920?-1966) was one of the most distinguished figures in Hungarian music during the years following the Second World War.

He was an innovative researcher in the field of folkmusic, an eminent music critic, and a multifaceted teacher. Throughout a short creative life he pursued his own artistic and political beliefs, founded on the musical ideas of Bartók and Kodály. His most well knworks own are the Vörösmarty Symphony, the oratorio Előszó and choral works such as Hajnali tánc, Árva madár and Gergő nótái. His orchestral, chamber music and vocal compositions are also deserving of the attention of composers, music lovers, and historians of music alike.

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