String Quartets Volume III

Haydn Quartets

pocket score

Edited by Seiffert, Wolf-Dieter
时期: 20th Century
页数: 192 页
Weight: 0.378 kg
首次出版: 2018
出版者: G. Henle Verlag - Editio Musica Budapest
刊物代码: HN7122
ISMN: 9790201871226
Each of these four-movement works is a real jewel. Mozart worked hard on these six string quartets, and dedicated them to none other than the inventor of the genre himself: Joseph Haydn. They were first published in 1785, and havesince then been reprinted innumerable times. Wolf-Dieter Seiffert, the editor of this new Henle Urtext edition, already penned the Critical Report for these Haydn Quartets in the New Mozart Edition, 25 years ago. He is nowpresenting this core repertoire in an edition of



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