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Metal Lead Guitar Primer

(Guitar Tab, with chord symbols)

Sheet music and online contents

Author: Stetina, Troy
存款: Guitar
类型: Pop, rock
语言: English
页数: 48 页
Weight: 0.216 kg
首次出版: 1992
出版者: Hal Leonard
刊物代码: HL00660316
其他出版代码: HL00660316
ISMN: 9780793511000
Learn metal guitar the best way - by playing music! This primer for the beginning lead guitarist builds the solid musical and technical foundation you'll need as it prepares you for Metal Lead Guitar Vol. 1 with several metal'jams.' Whether trading licks with the pre-recorded leads, or soloing by yourself, these rhythm tracks with full band accompaniment will make you sound great and they're fun to play! A great starter book - no experience necessary! The accompanying audio is accessed through Hal Leonard website.

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