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Járdányi Pál: Szonáta két zongorára

存款: Pianos (2)
类型: Contemporary Hungarian Works
页数: 44 页
Format: 23 x 30,2 cm (Bach)
首次出版: 1960
出版者: Universal Music Publishing Editio Musica Budapest
刊物代码: 2839
ISMN: 9790080028391
Sonata for Two Pianos was written in 1942 by Pál Járdányi at the young age of twenty-two years old when he had recently graduated from the Academy of Music. It is a quintessential showy concert piece which György Ligeti evaluated in 1949, when the sheet music was first released, as the 'worthy companion' of Bartók's and Hindemith's two-piano sonatas. The composition, originally written for string quartet, was reworked into an arrangement for keyboard instruments by Járdányi on Kodály's advice, preserving the musical language of the work which refers to Bartók in many places, and in which the features of Járdányi's later style can already be seen.



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