Voice and piano
Voice and piano
Voice and piano
Voice and piano
Voice and piano

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A Panorama of Songs 2/b

Easy songs from four centuries in six languages for low voice

Sheet music and online contents

Compiled and edited by Hegedüs Gönczy Katalin
存款: Voice and piano
语言: English-French-German-Hungarian-Russian-Spanish
页数: 96 页
Format: A/4
Weight: 0.35 kg
首次出版: 2019年8月1日
出版者: Editio Musica Budapest Zeneműkiadó
刊物代码: 20012
ISMN: 9790080200124
A Panorama of Songs fills a want that has been felt for decades. A selection of songs in six European languages from the 16th to the mid-20th century encompassing every musical period, it seeks to help beginner-level students of voice teachers and répétiteurs, and foremost the singers themselves. The series brings a breath of fresh air and new works to the conventional Lied repertoire, truly offering a new panorama. Using the means of modern technology it also provides immense help in learning and performing the songs.

The three volumes of the series are arranged by level of difficulty, and all of them are available for high and low voices ("a" volumes for high voices, "b" volumes for low voices). Each volume is a complete unit in itself, including all six languages (English, French, German, Italian, Russian, and Spanish) and presenting a cross-section of styles from the early Baroque to the 20th century. Interpretation of the songs is facilitated by literal English and Hungarian translations of their texts, and the reading of the Cyrillic script is assisted by transliteration (again in English and Hungarian). Ornamentation suggestions for the performance of the Baroque works are also included.

The printed music is accompanied by additional useful material to help the learning process, available online at www.emb.hu/downloads. The website contains the piano accompaniments of all of the songs, as well as all the original texts recited by native speakers.

The editor of the A Panorama of Songs series kindly welcomes any feedback, comments, or questions at the following email address: apanoramaofsongs@gmail.com.

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  • 20012 Dalszövegek - Words mp3.zip (44.3 MB)
  • 20012 Egyszerűsített zongorakiséret - Simplified piano part pdf.zip (220.9 kB)
  • 20012 Zongorakiséret - Piano accompaniment mp3.zip (107.8 MB)
  • A hat nyelv kiejtési szabályai - pdf (HU).zip (580.4 kB)
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Bayly, Thomas Haynes: Folk song - Isle of beauty
Gray of Reading, William: Folk song - The hunt is up!
Byron, George Gordon Lord: Folk song - The kiss, dear maid
Shakespeare, William: Folk song - When that I was a little tiny boy
Peri, Jacopo – Rinuccini, Ottavio: Oh, may fleeting days (Le varie musiche, No. 19)
Beethoven, Ludwig van – Metastasio, Pietro: Departure (WoO 124)
Gluck, Christoph Willibald – Klopstock, Friedrich Gottlieb: The young boy (7 Oden und Lieder Wq. 49 No. 4)
Haydn, Franz Joseph – Weisse, Christian F.: The late arrival of the mother (Hob. XXVIa:12)
Mercadante, Saverio: The rose (4 Canzoni napoletane, No. 2)
Schubert, Franz – Hölty, L. H. Chr. – Voss, Johann Heinrich: Sigh (D 198)
Bellini, Vincenzo: Hazy moon (Tre Arietta, No. 3)
Schumann, Robert – Byron, George Gordon Lord – Körner, Karl Julius: To the moon (Drei Gesänge aus Lord Byron Hebräischen Gesängen, Op. 95 No. 2)
Schumann, Robert – Heine, Heinrich: You are like a flower (Myrten, Op. 25 No. 24)
Verdi, Giuseppe: Stornello (Composizioni da Camera per Canto e Pianoforte, No. 4)
Franz, Robert – Kapper, Siegfried: Farewell (Sechs Gesänge, Op. 11 No. 1)
Weckerlin, Jean-Baptiste: Love flees (Bergerettes. Romances of chansons du XVIIe siecle No. 2)
Tchaikovsky, Pyotr Ilyich – Polonsky, Yakov P.: Sog of a gypsy (12 romances, Op. 60 No. 7)
Mahler, Gustav: Change in summer (Des Knaben Wunderhorn)
Granados, Enrique – Periquet, Fernando: The maja of Goya (12 Tonadillas en estilo antiguo, H. 136 No. 8)
Rachmaninov, Sergey Vasilyevich – Pleshcheyev, Aleksey N.: Child! Fair as a flower you are (6 romances, Op. 8 No. 2)
Ravel, Maurice: Over there by the temple (Cinq mélodies populaires grecques, No. 2)
Falla, Manuel de: The Moorish cloth (Siete canciones populares espanolas, Nol 1)
Berg, Alban – Rückert, Friedrich: Distant songs (Jugendlieder, Vol. 1 No. 13)
Obradors, Fernando: El vito (Canciones Clásicas Espanolas, Vol. 3 No. 6)

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