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Digital edition

Sztán István: Tenor horn or trumpet ABC

存款: Tenor horn and piano, Tenor horn, Trumpet and Piano, Trumpet
系列: Instrumental ABC
类型: Method, Tutor
语言: Hungarian, English, German
页数: 120 页
Format: 23 x 30,2 cm (Bach)
Weight: 0.45 kg
首次出版: 2011年3月1日
出版者: Editio Musica Budapest Zeneműkiadó
刊物代码: 14735
ISMN: 9790080147351
This volume has been prepared principally for tenor horn students, but it can also be used by trumpet students for whom - especially in terms of the range of notes - rapid progress does not cause difficulty. The collection includes preliminary exercises to develop the range and stock of notes, daily exercises, scales, exercises to develop cantilena playing, and performance pieces. The various exercises mostly consist of quotations from European folk songs, children's songs and composed music.
ABC Series
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