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Galli János: Four Chants about Saint Stephen the King
for concert band
score and parts
存款: Concert Band
器乐创作: 3 fl, (ob), (cl Eb), 3 cl1 Bb, 3 cl2 Bb, 3 cl3 Bb, (2 cl b Bb), (2 fg), (2 sax a1 Eb), (2 sax a2 Eb), (2 sax t Bb), (sax bar Eb) - (2 cor1), (2 cor2), 2 flic1 Bb, 2 flic2 Bb, 2 flic t Bb, 2 euf, 2 tr1 Bb, 2 tr2 Bb, 2 trb1, 2 trb2, 2 tb1, 2 tb2
系列: EMB Concert Band Series
类型: Band Music
难度: 3
时长: 8'45''
页数: 182 页
Format: 23 x 30,2 cm (Bach)
首次出版: 2011年3月1日
出版者: Universal Music Publishing Editio Musica Budapest
刊物代码: 14724SET
其他出版代码: 14724
ISMN: 9790080305140
János Galli (1921-2006) was a conductor, composer, music teacher, a well-known and highly respected personality in Hungarian wind music life. As a music teacher he directed numerous string and wind ensembles and choirs, made hundreds of transcriptions for wind orchestras, and instrumented works for ensembles of all sizes and formations. The most important of his works are his series of volumes of marches, folksong arrangements and church music. He was excellent at instrumentation. For its fine sound and easy playability we recommend to youth wind bands and their conductors this work of his composed in memory of the king who founded the Hungarian state.
Concert Band Series: scores and parts
Concert Band Series: scores