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Perényi Éva – Perényi Péter: Saxophone ABC 2
Piano accompaniment (Mib, Sib)
sheet music
存款: Saxophone and piano
系列: Instrumental ABC
类型: Method, Tutor
页数: 32 页
Format: A/4
Weight: 0.12 kg
首次出版: 2016年10月1日
出版者: Editio Musica Budapest Zeneműkiadó
刊物代码: 14299P
ISMN: 9790080305331
The two volumes of the Saxophone ABC (Vol. 1: Z. 14289) are organically related, and together provide beginners with 3-4 years’ worth of study material: short, easily playable exercises, performance piece excerpts, whole pieces and duets, gradually extending the range of notes and constantly introducing new rhythmic elements. The author has included a piano accompaniment for the majority of the performance pieces, separately for E flat and for B flat instruments. The textual instructions are given in three languages: German, English and Hungarian.
The pupil's book is published separately (Z. 14299).
ABC Series