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Liszt Ferenc: Free Arrangements XV

Ferenc Liszt, New Edition of the Complete Works, Series II (Free arrangements and transcriptions for piano solo), Vol. 15

Edited by Kassai István – Sulyok Imre
存款: Piano
系列: New Liszt Edition
类型: Complete Edition
时期: Romantic
语言: English, German
页数: 172 页
Format: 23 x 30 cm
Weight: 0.581 kg
首次出版: 2003年7月1日
出版者: Editio Musica Budapest Zeneműkiadó
刊物代码: 12404A
ISMN: 9790080300336
Volume 39 of the complete edition launched by EMB in 1970 makes accessible transcriptions made by the elderly master between 1879 and 1885. The volume includes transcriptions from works by Russian composers (a Tchaikovsky transcription, the Polonaise from the opera Eugene Onegin) transcriptions of a work each by Schumann and Schubert, the Réminiscences de Boccanegra (Verdi), and Liszt's last operatic fantasy, from Wagner's Parsifal: Feierlicher Marsch zum heiligen Gral.

The two versions of this volume are published as customary in a hard blue clothbound edition and soft paper bound edition. A detailed description of the sources and the critical commentary are in the clothbound edition. At the beginning of both versions of the volume are reproductions of pages from Liszt's original manuscripts; more than being simply illustrations, these permit a deeper insight into excerpts of the works given.


Polonaise aus Tschaikowkis Oper 'Jewgeny Onegin'
Prélude a la Polka d'Alexandre Porfiryevitch Borodine. Variation sur le theme favori et obligé
2da Mazurka per pianoforte di Pier Adolfo Tirindelli variata de F. Liszt
Liebesszene und Fortunas Kugel aus dem Oratorium 'Die sieben Todsünden' von Adalbert von Goldschmidt. Fantasiestück
O! Wenn es doch immer so bliebe! Lied von Anton Rubinstein Op. 34 No. 9
Der Asra. Lied von Anton Rubinstein Op. 32 No. 6
Provenzalisches Minnelied von Robert Schumann
Drei Lieder zu Julius Wolffs Epos 'Tannhäuser' komponiert von Otto Lessman 1. Der Lenz ist gekommen
Drei Lieder zu Julius Wolffs Epos 'Tannhäuser' komponiert von Otto Lessman 2. Trinklied
Drei Lieder zu Julius Wolffs Epos 'Tannhäuser' komponiert von Otto Lessman 3. Du schaust mich an
Réminiscences de Boccanegra de Verdi
Feierlicher Marsch zum heiligen Gral aus dem Bühnenweihfestspiel 'Parsifal' von Richard Wagner
Marche hongroise d'apres Franz Schubert: Divertissement a l'hongroise Op. 54 No. 2 - D 818/2 Troisieme édition 1883
Valse de concert d'apres la 'Suite en forme de valse' de Jean de Végh de Vereb
Abschied. Russisches Volkslied
Tarantelle de Césal Cui

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