Einaudi, Ludovico: Stanze

versione originale per arpa

sheet music

Zasedba: Harp
Jezik: Italian
Število strani: 60 strani
Weight: 0.234 kg
Leto izdaje: 2021
Založba: Ricordi
Številka artikla: NR13647000
Založniška številka: NR 13647000
ISMN: 9789991245168
Milan, 1990 I was writing a series of piano pieces. I had a goal: to remove, and leave space. The title refers to the poetic stanzas but also to invisible spaces to be inhabited with the mind. One day my friend Cecilia Chailly calls me and asks me if I have a harp piece for her to play. I give her Vega to try. Two days later I go to her house to listen and, with mutual enthusiasm, I give her all the pieces that we will soon be recording. Cecilia will perform them in concert on various
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