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Tillai Aurél: Lauda Sion

for mixed choir

choral sheets

Zasedba: Mixed Voices
Zasedba: SATB
Obdobje: Contemporary Music
Jezik: Latin
Težavnost: 3
Število strani: 4 strani
Format: 19 x27 cm (octavo)
Weight: 0.004 kg
Leto izdaje: 01. september 2014
Založba: Universal Music Publishing Editio Musica Budapest
Številka artikla: 14927
ISMN: 9790080149270
The noted Hungarian choirmaster and composer, born in 1930, set four verses of the Lord's Day sequence of St Thomas Aquinas in this short devout work, which draws on the melody of the original Gregorian sequence. Written in 2011 for the 21st International Chamber Choir Competition in Pécs, the work makes rewarding and attractive material for both professional and amateur choirs to sing. Lauda Sion has also appeared in versions for mixed and for women's choir.

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