Hosokawa, Toshio: Spell Song

for oboe

sheet music

Instrument: Oboe
Editor: Schott
Numar articol: SJ1191
Numarul original al articolului la editor: SJ 1191
ISBN: 9790650012522
I imagined the oboe to be a primitive instrument with a double reed, wood, and a cylinder. Perhaps music was born through a spell that calls upon the supernatural such as gods and spirits, and the voice became the 'song', and this 'song' creates an arc to the spirits. Each phrase of the 'song' has a form that is like eastern calligraphy, with a central note in one phrase. How to flexibly express the lively motion of the central note's 'life' is the major theme behind the performance. My music is a kind of calligraphy of space and time through the use of sounds. Toshio Hosokawa
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