Bauer, Jerzy: Dualistyl

for Oboe and Piano

Instrument: Oboe
Limba: Polish-English
Intindere: 28 pagini
Publicat pentru prima data: 2005
Editor: Polskie Wydawnictwo Muzyczne (PWM)
Numar articol: PWM10386
Numarul original al articolului la editor: 10386010
ISBN: 9790274001636
The work is an attempt at combining, by means of juxtaposition, two aesthetics: one baroque and the other, the aesthetics of French neoclassicism of the first half of the twentieth century: hence the strange title of the work ''Dualistyl''. The whole is a kind of pastiche enriched with new expressive achievements. In Professor Józef Ciepłucha's opinion, the work is not very difficult, but makes high requirements on both the imagination and the technical skills of the performers. But these requirements are, according to the Professor, rewarded in the tonal and expressive arrtactiveness of the work. [J. Bauer]
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