Shaiman, Marc: A Cover Is Not the Book

from Mary Poppins Returns

choral sheets

Instrument: Upper Voices
Gen: Film & Musical
Intindere: 20 pagini
Publicat pentru prima data: 2019
Editor: Hal Leonard
Numar articol: HL00290824
Numarul original al articolului la editor: HL00290824
A showpiece of technical skill and lyrical wizardry in the 2018 sequel, Mary Poppins Returns, this jaunty and cheeky turn-of-phrase masterclass is a testament to Mark Shaiman's understanding of the enigma that is Lin-Manuel Miranda. With chances for soloists to re-create the wordsmith's most twisting and turning rap sections, the 6/8 romp of the main chorus is absolutely singable and memorable, with a blast being had by all involved!


A Cover Is Not The Book
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