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Bogár István: Dances from the Balkan for brass sextet
score and parts
Instrument: Brass Sextet
Perioada: 20th Century
Limba: Hungarian, English
Intindere: 36 pagini
Format: 23,5 x 31 cm (K/4)
Greutate: 0.143 kg
Publicat pentru prima data: 1979
Editor: Universal Music Publishing Editio Musica Budapest
Numar articol: 8832
ISBN: 9790080088326
Here the composer has arranged Southern Slav, Albanian and Bulgarian music material. The triple time, asymmetric 5/8, 7/8, 9/8 (2+2+2+3) bars require thorough grounding in rhythm. The first movement is a rondo, the second a trio while the third one, displaying strong burlesque features, is again a rondo. Moderately difficult.
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