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Liszt Ferenc: Hungarian Rhapsody No. 5

Edited by Gárdonyi Zoltán – Szelényi István
Instrument: Pian
Serie: Separate editions from the New Liszt Complete Critical Edition
Perioada: Romantic
Intindere: 12 pagini
Format: 23 x 30,2 cm (Bach)
Greutate: 0.056 kg
Publicat pentru prima data: AMCETi
Editor: Editio Musica Budapest Zeneműkiadó
Numar articol: 8165
ISBN: 9790080081655
Liszt Separate Editions are published with scholarly authenticity and are based on the New Liszt Edition. Their musical scores and presentation correspond to the complete edition, yet their extent is far smaller and they cost much less than the larger volumes of the full set. Liszt Separate Editions provide the same quality as the complete edition, while also fully meeting practical requirements.
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