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Vivaldi, Antonio: Concerto in do maggiore
per 2 trombe e pianoforte, RV 537
piano score
Piano score by Galambos János – Nagy Olivér
Instrument: Trumpet and Piano
Perioada: Baroque
Limba: Hungarian, English, German
Intindere: 32 pagini
Format: A/4
Greutate: 0.102 kg
Publicat pentru prima data: 1963
Editor: Editio Musica Budapest Zeneműkiadó
Numar articol: 3768
ISBN: 9790080037683
The Concerto in C major by Antonio Vivaldi (1678-1741) is the 97th piece in the Collected Works of Vivaldi edited by Malipiero, published by Ricordi (1950). The setting of the original score was: Tromba I, Tromba II, Violini I-II, Viole, Violoncelli, Contrabassi, Cembalo. The arrangement for trumpets and piano is kept in accurate conformity with the musical text of the score. The continuo part, however, has been more freely adapted (of course within the possibilities of baroque style).
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