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Karai József: Two Children's Songs

choral sheets

Words by Weöres Sándor
Instrument: Children's Choir
Instrumentatie: SMA
Gen: Choral Work (Contemporary Hungarian)
Limba: Hungarian
Nivel: 3
Durata: 4.5 min.
Intindere: 8 pagini
Format: 18,2 x 25,7 cm (JB/5)
Greutate: 0.014 kg
Publicat pentru prima data: AMCETi
Editor: Universal Music Publishing Editio Musica Budapest
Numar articol: 3611
ISBN: 9790080036112
József Karai (1927-2013) studied composition under Ferenc Farkas and János Viski, and studied conducting under János Ferencsik, András Kórodi, and László Somogyi. His oeuvre includes instrumental works, songs and cantatas, but he became best known for his choral works. This is certainly conditioned by his professional career; between 1948 and 1969 he conducted several choirs in Budapest. His works have been published in several countries. His composition entitled Two Children's Songs was written in 1956-1957 with text from the poems by Sándor Weöres (Spring Greeting, Summer Evening), and it was first published in April 1961 by the Hungarian State Music Publisher. This three-part work is recommended for more advanced ensembles.


Karai József: Tavaszköszöntő
Karai József: Nyári este
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