Preț: $20.45 Fara TVA
Dohnányi Ernő: Ruralia Hungarica
Op. 32/c
Instrument: Violin and Piano
Perioada: 20th Century
Limba: Hungarian, English, German
Intindere: 32 pagini
Format: 23 x 30,2 cm (Bach)
Greutate: 0.094 kg
Publicat pentru prima data: 1957
Editor: Universal Music Publishing Editio Musica Budapest
Numar articol: 2654
ISBN: 9790080026540
Ruralia Hungarica was originally a five movements cycle of piano pieces (Op. 32/a) composed in 1923 on Hungarian folk songs, dedicated to Dohnányi’s mother. In 1924, five movements of the piano cycle was orchestrated (Op. 32/b), the orchestral version was premiered under the baton of the composer on 14 September 1924, in Pécs (South Hungary). Ruralia Hungarica was one of Dohnányi’s favorite works. He often performed both the version for piano and the one for orchestra, and he composed other versions, too: three movements for violin and piano (Op. 32/c) and one movement for violoncello and piano (Op. 32/d).
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