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Dubrovay László: Five Piano Pieces
Instrument: Pian
Serie: EMB Contemporary Music
Gen: Contemporary Hungarian Works
Perioada: Contemporary Music
Intindere: 12 pagini
Format: A/4
Greutate: 0.047 kg
Publicat pentru prima data: AMCETi
Editor: Universal Music Publishing Editio Musica Budapest
Numar articol: 14760
ISBN: 9790080147603
This work, composed in 1971, was intended for professional performers. It was written with post-Webern, free twelve-tone technique; its sound is characterized by frequent use of all twelve notes in the construction of the harmony, and by wide spacing of dissonant intervals or the crowding of them into dense blocks. These short character pieces contain a great variety of gestures and emotions, ranging from witty playfulness through violent ’Sturm und Drang’ behaviour that shatters every framework, to mournful lamentation and hope of hymnic redemption.
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