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Kondor Ádám: Variations of a Double
for clarinet and piano
score and parts
Instrument: Clarinet and Piano
Serie: EMB Contemporary Music
Gen: Contemporary Hungarian Works
Perioada: Contemporary Music
Intindere: 224 pagini
Format: A/4
Publicat pentru prima data: AMCESTi
Editor: Universal Music Publishing Editio Musica Budapest
Numar articol: 14549
ISBN: 9790080145494
Variations on a Double is a real musical leviathan: almost an hour long, it is a sound-monstrosity that makes exceptional demands of the performers, and is the product of an unusual degree of fusion of the clarinet with the piano. Composed in 2005 for Csaba Klenyán and Gábor Csalog, the work interprets the meaning of the musical „double” in an unconventional way: in it there is not a union of two independent instrumental characters, each with its individual identity - as in a grandiose sonata; instead, its artistic form tends in exactly the opposite direction. A single, monodically conceived unit of musical material passes over and over again through the doubling; they do not form two parts, yet do not unite in unison, but present the split face of a single endless - fragmented and episodic - monologue, like Siamese twins. Beware, this is only for the musically mature!
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