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Dubrovay László: Exorcist for Trombone Quartet
score and parts
Instrument: Trombones
Gen: Contemporary Hungarian Works
Limba: Hungarian, English
Intindere: 32 pagini
Format: A/4
Publicat pentru prima data: AMCETi
Editor: Universal Music Publishing Editio Musica Budapest
Numar articol: 14511
ISBN: 9790080145111
The composer wrote this work in 2004 for the Corpus trombone quartet, to whom it is dedicated. The piece consists of a slow and a fast section, both in rondo form. Its musical language makes use of a great many new elements of playing technique, which provide an excellent opportunity for displaying the fantastically virtuosic capabilities of both the new modes of sound production and the performers: they include Wah-muted notes with modulated tone colour, harmonic-glissandi, sequences of buzzing notes sung into the instrument, valve-modulated harmonic glissandi, rapid double- and tripletongued staccatos, and flutter-tongued, lip-trilled and buzzing lip-vibrating notes. The purpose: playful, good-humoured music-making, to exorcise evil from our lives.