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Horváth Balázs: lines, words, letters... to poems by Parti Nagy for mezzo-soprano, violin and bassoon
playing score and auxiliary parts
Words by Parti Nagy Lajos
Instrument: Chamber Music with Voice
Serie: EMB Contemporary Music
Gen: Contemporary Hungarian Works
Perioada: Contemporary Music
Limba: Hungarian, English
Intindere: 44 pagini
Format: 23 x 30,2 cm (Bach)
Publicat pentru prima data: AMCETi
Editor: Universal Music Publishing Editio Musica Budapest
Numar articol: 14398
ISBN: 9790080143988
This composition written in 2002 has five movements (I: a sort of canon, II: interlude 1, III: (hexameter), IV: interlude 2, V: false copy ). Three of the songs composed to verses by Lajos Parti Nagy examine the structure of the texts. The musical structure in the first song is based on a canon that develops from rotating the lines, in the third song it is based on the rhythms created by splitting words and syllables, in the fifth song it is based on the series of sound effects resulting from completely mixing up the individual letters and sounds. The rigorously structured movements consist of short dramatic episodes, each presenting an unusual life situation (interlude 1, interlude 2). The work, commissioned by Judit Rajk, had its premiere in 2006 in Budapest (Palace of Arts, Festival Theatre).