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Hidas Frigyes: Merry Music
for concert band
score and parts
Instrument: Concert Band
Instrumentatie: picc, 4 fl1, 4 fl2, ob1, ob2, cl Eb, 4 cl1 Bb, 4 cl2 Bb, 4 cl3 Bb, fg1, fg2, 2 sax a Eb, 2 sax t Bb, sax bar Eb - cor1, cor2, cor3, cor4, 2 crnt1 Bb, 2 crnt2 Bb, 2 flic t Bb, 2 euf, 2 tr1 Bb, 2 tr2 Bb, 2 tr3 Bb, 2 trb1, 2 trb2, 2 trb3, 4 tb - timp, xyl, glsp, tamb mil, 2 tomt, gr c
Serie: EMB Concert Band Series
Gen: Band Music
Nivel: 3
Durata: 5:00
Intindere: 224 pagini
Format: 23 x 30,2 cm (Bach)
Publicat pentru prima data: AMCESTi
Editor: Universal Music Publishing Editio Musica Budapest
Numar articol: 12431SET
Numarul original al articolului la editor: 12431
ISBN: 9790080305164
Although Frigyes Hidas (1928-2007) composed in every genre, he gained international fame and recognition principally with his chamber music for brass instruments and his works written for wind ensembles and wind orchestras. In 1995 he was invited to WASBE, the international organization of wind ensembles, and in the final decades of his life, which were rich in commissions, he travelled the world as a competition jury member, guest of honour at festivals and visiting university professor. Full of humour and extremely effective, Merry Music is one of his best-known and most popular works.
Concert Band Series: scores and parts
Concert Band Series: scores