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Szendrey-Karper László: Guitar Exercises and Pieces 6

Instrument: Guitar
Gen: Study
Intindere: 48 pagini
Format: A/4
Greutate: 0.123 kg
Publicat pentru prima data: 1983
Editor: Editio Musica Budapest Zeneműkiadó
Numar articol: 12275
ISBN: 9790080122754
László Szendrey-Karper (1932-1991) was an internationally renowned guitarist, and the founder of organized guitar teaching in Hungary. He wrote an instructional methodology for the guitar, and composed studies and pieces for students. The eight books of his series Guitar Exercises and Pieces provide a variety of pieces for elementary and intermediate guitar students to play, arranged in order of difficulty. A basic source for Szendrey-Karper was Hungarian folk songs, in addition to which he transcribed for the guitar well known pieces composed for other instruments. Alongside his own pieces and études, he selected for the series studies and concert pieces by other composers (including Ferdinando Carulli, Matteo Carcassi, Johann Krieger, Henry Purcell, and László Borsody).
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