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for Piano
Edited by Teöke Marianne dr. Korányiné
Instrument: Pian
Gen: Study
Limba: Hungarian, English, German
Nivel: 5
Intindere: 64 pagini
Format: 23 x 30,2 cm (Bach)
Publicat pentru prima data: AMCETi
Editor: Editio Musica Budapest Zeneműkiadó
Numar articol: 12010
ISBN: 9790080120101
The multi-volume collection of etudes by prominent piano educator Marianne Teöke provides piano teachers and their students with essential help in developing technical versatility for playing. Each volume generally contains one year’s worth of studies and features pieces by masters of older periods as well as works by contemporary composers. The etudes can be taught in many ways, either transposed or with varied articulation. The six-volume collection can serve students from the beginning of their piano studies through the 6th grade of music school.
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