Senfter, Johanna: 10 old Dances op. 91

sheet music

Edited by Birtel, Wolfgang
Instrument: Skrzypce
Zasięg: 40 stron
Pierwsze wydanie: 2008
Wydawca: Schott
Numer katalogowy: VLB121
Inne : VLB 121
ISMN: 9790001147798
The composer and violinist Johanna Senfter from Oppenheim wrote concert works, such as chamber music works for violin, her whole life. Being a pupil of Reger, who held her in high esteem, she composed 10 alte Tänze für 2 Violinen, Op. 91, which follow the style of Max Reger and even share his preference for 'composing in the old style'. The dances, which were combined by the composer to form two suites, are influenced by the tradition of the old French violin duos by Boismortier, Corrette or Leclair. This demanding chamber music is fun to play and suitable for both lessons and concerts.
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