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Mule, Marcel: Quarante-huit Études

pour Saxophone

sheet music

Instrument: Saksofon
Rodzaj: Study
Zasięg: 36 stron
Waga: 0.165 kg
Pierwsze wydanie: 1946
Wydawca: Alphonse Leduc
Numer katalogowy: AL20402
Inne : AL20402
ISMN: 9790046204029
Quarante-huit Études by Marcel Mule (1901-2001) is a set of 48 exercises for all saxophones by Franz Ferling and expanded with twelve new studies by Mule. Made for intermediate/advanced players, this is a rich material to developstyle and virtuosity. Ferling's book 48 Studies was lacking exercises on some tonalities. Marcel Mule therefore added those missing pieces dealing with the following enharmonic tones: C flat major, A flat minor, G flat major, Csharp major, A sharp minor and D sharp minor. He took great care of keeping the original style of Ferling's studies to obtain an harmonious set throughout this book. Marcel Mule (1901-2001) is one of the greatest Frenchsaxophonists, renowned worldwide for his work on the classical saxophone repertoire. He was teaching his students how to obtain a good quality of sound and believed it was dependent on embouchure, the emission, the mastery ofvibrato and thus of breathing. He wrote different methods that focus on technique, articulation and tone productions such as Dix-huit Exercices ou Études, Exercices Journaliers d'apres Terschack or Grands Exercices ou Étudesd'apres Soussmann.
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