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Országh Tivadar: Scale Studies for violin

Instrument: Skrzypce
Rodzaj: Study
Zasięg: 44 stron
Format: 23 x 30,2 cm (Bach)
Waga: 0.194 kg
Pierwsze wydanie: 1955
Wydawca: Editio Musica Budapest Zeneműkiadó
Numer katalogowy: 1975
ISMN: 9790080019757
This is a revised edition of the scale studies published in 1948. It contains the major and minor scales used during violin teaching at elementary level as well as broken triads and seventh chords. Its mission is to gradually prepare the player for the volume ''Das Skalensystem" by Carl Flesch, used in advanced level teaching.It depends on the needs of the student whether to make use of the fingering suggested in the music or a different one: the same musical patterns can be realized in many different ways. Similarly, bowing, rhythmic patterns, and dynamic levels may be altered according to taste.As far as progressions in thirds, sixths, octaves, and tenths are concerned, due to lack of space only samples are given here. Based on these, transposed versions may be elaborated individually.
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