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Dubrovay László: Violin concerto No. 2 (2011)


Instrument: Violin and orchestra
Skład: Violino solo, 2 Fl, Picc, 2 Ob, C. ing, 2 Cl in Sib, Bcl in Sib, 2Fg, 4 Cn in F, 3 Tr in C, 3 Trb, Tuba, 3 Timpani, Perc (3 Players), Cel, Arp, Archi
Seria: EMB Contemporary Music
Period: Contemporary Music
Czas trwania: ca 23'
Zasięg: 76 stron
Format: 24,3 x 33,6 cm (B/4)
Pierwsze wydanie: 1 września 2013
Wydawca: Universal Music Publishing Editio Musica Budapest
Numer katalogowy: 14872
Inne : D-106
ISMN: 9790080148723
The three movements reflect classical romantic concertos in not only their structure but also their character. The relations between soloist and orchestra echo the dramatic composition of traditional concertos besides providing a significant role for wind and percussion instruments in tonality, which creates a specific tone familiar from László Dubrovay's earlier compositions. His Violin Concerto No. 2, completed in April 2011, is dedicated to the internationally noted young Hungarian violinist, Kristóf Baráti, whose extraordinary performing skills inspired the flexible melodiousness and virtuoso perfection of the themes.

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