Fauré, Gabriel: Pavane op. 50

partitúra és szólamok

Átdolgozta Birtel, Wolfgang
Hangszer/letét: Vonóstrió
Terjedelem: 20 oldal
Formátum: 23,1 x 30,3 cm
Súly: 0,1 kg
Megjelenés dátuma: 2011. november 1.
Kiadó: Schott
Cikkszám: ED21219
Más kiadói szám: ED 21219
ISMN: 9790001180351
The music of small forms was to become the focus of the French composer Gabriel Fauré (1845-1924). In 1874, after many years spent in the 'provinces', the teacher of Camille Saint-Saëns took the position of organist in Paris, later he not only worked as a church musician but also as a teacher. In the summer of 1887 Fauré wrote his Pavane Op. 50, originally intended for a concert providing light entertainment, which soon gained wide popularity as an orchestral setting with and without the chorus added by Fauré. The romantic, slightly melancholic melody is a catchy tune which, thanks to the present arrangement, can now also be performed by a string trio.

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