Schubert, Joseph: Concerto C Major


Közreadta Schubert, Heinz
Hangszer/letét: Brácsa és zenekar
Terjedelem: 52 oldal
Megjelenés dátuma: 1976
Kiadó: Schott
Cikkszám: CON132
Más kiadói szám: CON 132
ISMN: 9790001023641
The rediscovery of this concerto by the Bohemian composer is certainly a surprise for the violists particularly since there is only very little original literature from the classical epoch. As violist of the Dresden court orchestra, Joseph Schubert writes a very skilful solo part suitable for the instrument adding vigorous melody and harmonic abundance which reminds of Mozart. In this edition, the original cadences and diminutions appear unchanged.

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