Absolute Beginners - Percussion

Kotta és CD

Hangszer/letét: Latin és afrikai ütőhangszerek
Nyelv: angol
Súly: 0,235 kg
Megjelenés dátuma: 2010
Kiadó: Wise Publications
Cikkszám: AM994015
Más kiadói szám: MUSAM994015
ISMN: 9781847725882
The Absolute Beginners approach is designed to make learning Latin percussion easier than ever before! Step-by-step pictures take you from first-day exercises to playing along with a backing track.

In one great book you get:

  • A look-and-learn course that uses clear pictures instead of long explanations
  • Practical advice and tips covering everything you need to know to get you playing, fast!
  • CD audio tracksand QuickTimeTM movies to show you how things should sound, plus...
  • Full-length accompaniment tracks to play along with
It's simply everything you need! An 'owner's manual' approach to Latin percussion thatmakeslearning easier than ever before!

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