Downes, Mike: The Bass Line Book


Hangszer/letét: Nagybőgő, Basszusgitár
Műfaj: Jazz, blues, latin
Terjedelem: 176 oldal
Súly: 0,65 kg
Megjelenés dátuma: 2012. június 1.
Kiadó: Advance Music
Cikkszám: ADV15019
ISMN: 9790206304736

This is a comprehensive approach to the construction of improvised bass lines. Intended for beginners and professionals alike, the book deals with playing in '2', creating walking bass lines, 3/4 time, using a 'broken feel',modal and slash-chord harmony, ballads, and much more. Each chapter is full of fundamental and advanced concepts and ideas, accompanied by transcribed examples from the masters of jazz bass playing. Mike Downes is currently thehead of the bass departement at prestigious Hu

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