Zvonarev, Mark: To Jazz Saxophonist. Concert repertoire. Educational aid. Junior level of children music School
1. O. Pettiford. SUNRISE, SUNSET 2. O. Hammerstein II. A KISS TO BUILD A DREAM ON. From the repertoire of the trumpeter Louis Armstrong 3. G. Miller. MOONLIGHT SERENADE 4. F. Loesser. BABY, IT’S COLD OUTSIDE. From the repertoire of the singer Ray Charles 5. Jelly Roll Morton. WILD MAN BLUES. From the repertoire of the cornetist ''Wild Bill'' Davison 6. L. McFail. SUN 7. W. Grosz. ISLE OF CAPRI 8. T. Camarata. MOONLIGHT MASQUERADE 9. Duke Ellington. C JAM BLUES 10. A. Msarurgwa. SKOKIAAN 11. B. Carlton. JA-DA 12. Jelly Roll Morton. CANNON BALL BLUES 13. D. Kramer. CANDY 14. WEST COAST BLUES. From the repertoire of the guitarist John Leslie ''Wes'' Montgomery 15. I LOVE YOU, BABY. Canadian folk dance