Ár: $11.95 (áfa nélkül)
Online fizetéssel: Azonnal megvehető
Bolti átvétellel: Rendelhető, készleten van

Hidas Frigyes: Edzésminták 1



Hangszer/letét: Rézfúvós quintett
Műfaj: Gyakorlat, etűd
Nyelv: magyar, angol
Terjedelem: 32 oldal
Formátum: 23,5 x 31 cm (K/4)
Súly: 0,151 kg
Megjelenés dátuma: 1983
Kiadó: Universal Music Publishing Editio Musica Budapest
Cikkszám: 12561
ISMN: 9790080125618
Written for brass quintet and sextet this series presents a unique venture.
The volumes contain the basis of chamber music for young brass players which lend themselves for teaching purposes as well. The works provide young musicians with the possibility of starting chamber music already as beginners and of getting acquainted at an early phase with the exciting world of instrumental ensemble playing. The composer states the aim of the series in the Preface as follows: 'Through forms easy to survey, clear build-up and last but not least with ideas' provoking' the young musicians to use their own fantasy this series intends to serve as a kind of 'warming up training' to the 'Decisive Matches' of professional ensemble playing.' Territorial restrictions may apply. Please ask before ordering.

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