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Bowie, David: Bowie Acoustic


Hangszer/letét: Gitár, Gitár (TAB)
Műfaj: Pop, rock
Nyelv: angol
Terjedelem: 176 oldal
Megjelenés dátuma: 2024. április 18.
Kiadó: Faber Music
Cikkszám: 057154293X
ISMN: 9780571542932
Bowie: Acoustic presents over 30 of David Bowie’s greatest songs for acoustic guitar. Featuring songs spanning Bowie’s entire career, including classics such as The Man Who Sold the World, Space Oddity, Starman, Quicksand, Rock ‚n’ Roll Suicide, as well as many unplugged versions in print for the first time. Each song has been expertly transcribed in standard notation and tab, with full lyrics and vocal line.

This unique collection features an iconic cover photo taken by Masayoshi Sukita in 1972.

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