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Burnam, Edna Mae: A Dozen a Day Book 1.

Primary edition

sheet music

Instrumentation: Piano
Collection: A Dozen a Day
Genre: Méthode (pédagogie)
Pages: 32 pp
Poids: 0.125 kg
Date du parution: 2013
Editeur: Willis Music
Numéro d’édition: WMR000198
Cotage de l'editeur: MUSWMR000198
ISMN: 9780711954311

A Dozen A Day Book One: Primary contains pre-practice technical exercises for the Piano. The purpose of this book is to help develop strong hands and flexible fingers.

The aim is to learn two or threeexercises at a time, which should be played each day before practising. Only when these are mastered should you add another. When all in the first group are mastered, the next group may be introduced. Many of these exercises maybe transposed to different keys.


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