Farkas Zoltán: Benedek Istvánffy
Hungarian Composers 5
This contemporary of Joseph Haydn was perhaps the most talented of Hungary’s 18th century composers. His musical career, begun as organist at the Széchenyi family mansion at Nagycenk was continued at Győr Cathedral where he served as choirmaster from 1766 until his death. He was also in constant contact with the musical life at Hungary’s brilliant aristocratic residence, the princely court of the Esterházy family at Kismarton. His name was synonymous with the flowering of Győr’s musical life.
In the documents realting to Istvánffy’s artistic activity only twelve compositions are known to exist, including two recently discovered offertories. In his study of Benedek Istvánffy’s life and work Zoltán Farkas gives the reader an insight on contemporary Hungarian musical life.
Music scores, graphic illustrations of stations in the life of the composer, and a full bibliography and discography complement this perceptive study by Zoltán Farkas.