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Bozza, Eugéne: Fantaisie Italienne

sheet music

Instrumentation: Flute et piano
Pages: 16 pp
Date du parution: 2024
Editeur: Alphonse Leduc
Numéro d’édition: AL21153
Cotage de l'editeur: AL21153
ISMN: 9790046211539

Exploiting the Flute to its full potential, Fantaisie Italienne is an exciting and challenging addition to the advanced flautist's repertoire. From cadenza passages to a delightful 6/8 melody, thispiece by French composer Eugene Bozza (1905-1991) covers a huge variety of the Flute's possibilities.

The piece begins with an emotional, characterised cadenza, covering a wide range. This leadsdramatically into a 6/8 section accompanied by broken chords in the piano before ending with a quirky and lively 2/4 secton. Bozza's Fantaisie Italienne for Flute and Piano is not onlysymbolic,but also includes exciting challenges, making for an imperative performance piece in the Flute repertoire.

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