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Bartók Béla: For Children (Japanese edition) 3-4

Instrumentation: Piano
Genre: Pieces pédagogiques
Langue: Japanese
Pages: 56 pp
Format: 23,5 x 31 cm (K/4)
Date du parution: Juillet 1979
Editeur: Editio Musica Budapest Zeneműkiadó
Numéro d’édition: 5455J
ISMN: 9790080302071
The series For Children (together with Mikrokosmos) belongs undoubtedly to the basic works of piano instuction. It is learned from almost all over the world, its sheet music edition is sold by Boosey & Hawkes and EMB in territorial distribution. The present edition was prepared by the composer's son Péter Bartók living in the United States who used all available manuscripts and other documents which helped clarify the uncertainties concerning the music text. In order to meet this objective, a completely new engraving was made and the editor described the historical background of the emergence and the editions of the work as well as the nature of the corrections. The third and fourth parts based on Slovak folksongs appear now contracted to one volume with Hungarian, German and Slovak titles, folksong texts and notes of the editor in Hungarian and German.
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Sound samples are used by the permission of Hungaroton Records, BMCBBCC and the composers.
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