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Friss Antal: Violoncello Tutor 2

Instrumentation: Violoncelle
Collection: Lesson de musique - méthodes
Genre: Méthode (pédagogie)
Langue: hongrois, anglais, allemand
Pages: 128 pp
Format: 23 x 30,2 cm (Bach)
Poids: 0.384 kg
Date du parution: 1967
Editeur: Editio Musica Budapest Zeneműkiadó
Numéro d’édition: 5240
ISMN: 9790080052402
Antal Friss (1897-1973) was for many decades the teacher of generations of cellists. After his death, through his Cello Method he became a permanent instructor for those at music school learning the instrument. The volumes in the series contain solo works, pieces with piano accompaniment, and exercises and studies; the five volumes provide material to play in the first six years of music school.

Antal Friss also wrote guidelines for teachers for each of his publications, in which he shared with colleagues not only professional experiences and suggestions, but also bore witness to his pedagogical ars poetica: ''teachers should love the pupils and teaching all their lives long''.


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