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Double Bass Tutor 1

Auteur: Montag Lajos
Instrumentation: Contrebasse
Collection: Lesson de musique - méthodes
Genre: Méthode (pédagogie)
Langue: hongrois, anglais, allemand
Pages: 108 pp
Format: 23 x 30,2 cm (Bach)
Poids: 0.277 kg
Date du parution: 1955
Editeur: Editio Musica Budapest Zeneműkiadó
Numéro d’édition: 1811
ISMN: 9790080018118
"In handing over therewith this Part I of my Double-Bass Method to my teacher colleagues and their students I wish to express my belief of having set down an adequate material with a view to the objects of the first year of study, aiming at gradual development based on the mastery of such essential factors as (1) the theoretical and practical knowledge of the positions, (2) the sureness in the positions, and (3) the correct execution of shifts." Lajos Montag (1962)


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