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Bartók Béla: String Quartets Nos.1-6

Béla Bartók Complete Critical Edition, vol. 29

complete edition

Edité par Németh Zsombor – Somfai László
Instrumentation: Quators
Collection: Béla Bartók Complete Critical Edition
Genre: Édition complete
Période: 20th Century
Langue: Hungarian, English, German
Pages: 376 pp
Date du parution: Mai 2022
Editeur: G. Henle Verlag - Editio Musica Budapest
Numéro d’édition: 15029
Cotage de l'editeur: HN 6206
ISMN: 9790201862064
Bartók's six string quartets belong to the gems of the genre, all of them being regarded as classics of 20th-century music. Based on a careful study of all contemporary manuscript and printed sources, volume 29 of the Bartók Complete Critical Edition presents the full scores of all six quartets in a new critical edition. The introductory studies in English, Hungarian, and German that preface the edition explore not only the genesis and reception of the quartets, but also provide the most detailed guidance to date in questions concerning the notation and performance of the music. The volume also includes the critical edition of Bartók's analyses of String Quartets Nos. 4 and 5 in English translation. The critical commentary for this edition is published in volume 30 of the Complete Edition.
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