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Papp Lajos: The Stonecutter

Thirteen little piano pieces for beginners after a Japanese tale

Instrumentation: Piano
Genre: Pieces pédagogiques
Langue: Japanese, Hungarian, English, German
Pages: 32 pp
Format: 23 x 30,2 cm (Bach)
Poids: 0.148 kg
Date du parution: Mars 2009
Editeur: Editio Musica Budapest Zeneműkiadó
Numéro d’édition: 14671
ISMN: 9790080146712
Individual scenes from an old Japanese story have been set to music by the composer in the form of thirteen easy little piano pieces. The volume contains not only the pieces, but also the story (in the original Japanese, as well as Hungarian, English and German). Thus, the series can also be performed almost as a stage production: one child (as the narrator) reads the story, while at the appropriate points in the story other children play each corresponding piece. This work was published in 2009 to celebrate 140 years of Hungarian-Japanese diplomatic cooperation.


The stonecutter
The huge rock
The mountain sprite
The magnificent palace
The landowner in his carriage
The blazing sun
Sun music
The cloud
Storm and heavy rain
The rock
The stonecutter
The happy stonecutter's song
The tale of the stonecutter
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Sound samples are used by the permission of Hungaroton Records, BMCBBCC and the composers.
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