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Krebs, Johann Ludwig: 6 Trios für 2 Flöten (oder Violinen) und Basso Continuo 2

Édité par Gyenge Enikő
Instrumentation: Flutes et piano
Période: Baroque
Pages: 76 pp
Format: 23 x 30,2 cm (Bach)
Poids: 0.289 kg
Date du parution: 1 décembre 1991
Editeur: Editio Musica Budapest Zeneműkiadó
Numéro d’édition: 13924
ISMN: 9790080139240
The present edition of the trio sonatas by Johann Ludwig Krebs (1713-1780) is based on pp. 113-158 of a contemporary copy of the trio sonata collection which is held in the Sächsische Landesbibliothek, Dresden, shelf-mark Mus. 1-Q-1. The common title at the beginning of the first trio reads: Sechs Trio a 2 Flauti e Basso. In spite of the consistent indication of instrument in the source the music material of the second flute part suggests an alternative use of instruments. Apart from the characteristic string turns occurring in some places mention should be made of the range of voice up to g of the first trio sonata if the/in first place and particulary of the consistently applied double stops of the second melodic instrument in the first movement of piece No. 6.

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