Auer, Leopold: Graded Course Of Violin Playing 3
Volume 3
sheet music
Contents: A Word in ReviewGrouping the Intervals into PositionsTonal Compass of and System of Fingering for the First Position * Extended Reach of the Fourth * Finger * A System of Scale and Chord Study * The Leopold Auer Method of Holding the Violin * The Leopold Auer Method of Holding and Drawing the Bow * The C Major Scale * Bowing Etude * Keltish Folk Song * Broken Chord Studies Key of C Major Etude * The A Minor Scale * Bowing Etude * Russian Folk Song
Book 1: Preparatory Grade
Book 2: Pre-Elementary Grade
Book 3: Elementary Grade (First Position)
Book 4: Elementary Grade (First Position Continued)
Book 5: Medium Advanced Grade (The Higher Positions)
Book 6: Advanced Grade (The Higher Positions Continued)
Book 7: Difficult Grade (Advanced Bowing)
Book 8: Virtuoso Grade
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