Schumann, Robert: Dreaming op. 15/7

from ''Scenes of Childhood''

Arreglado por Birtel, Wolfgang
Arreglo: Clarinet and Piano
Páginas: 6 páginas
Peso: 0.04 kg
Año de publicación: De abril de 2011
Editorial: Schott
Nº de artículo: ED09895
Nº de editorial: ED0 9895
ISMN: 9790001175975
The 19th century was not only the era of great forms, monumental symphonies and melodious sonatas, no, the Romantic composers proved to be versatile and highly imaginative on the field of little music pieces as well. Robert Schumann was a master of the character piece for ''his'' instrument, the piano. From thirty of such poetic miniatures, he selected thirteen in 1838 for his ''Kinderszenen'', opus 15, the seventh, i.e. the one right in the middle, being ''Träumerei'', the most famous among Schumann's compositions. It is a romantic gem the catchy melody of which will not get out of one's head. The beautiful setting contained in the present edition can be played even by non-pianists.
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