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Liszt Ferenc: Années de Pelerinage, Second year - Italy

Liszt, Works for Piano Solo, Vol. 7

Editado por Mező Imre – Sulyok Imre
Arreglo: Piano
Serie: Liszt, Works for Piano Solo
Época: Romanticismo
Idioma: English, German
Páginas: 140 páginas
Formato: 23 x 30 cm
Peso: 0.518 kg
Año de publicación: 1974
Editorial: Editio Musica Budapest Zeneműkiadó
Nº de artículo: 6785
ISMN: 9790080067857
The composition of the pieces in Années de pelerinage, Deuxieme année can be linked to Liszt's journey to Italy in 1837-39. Italian art had a great influence on Liszt, and compositions in the volume are inspired by works of Raphael, Michelangelo, Petrarca, and Dante. The complete series was published by Schott in 1858. Later, in 1861, Liszt supplemented this with an appendix that contains the series of three pieces entitled Venezia e Napoli (this volume also gives the first version of these works).

As customary, there are two versions of the publication: a blue clothbound edition and a grey softcover edition. The preface, which gives the most important information on the contents and technical details, is identical in both versions, but only the former includes an English description of the sources and a critical commentary. Both versions include facsimiles of pages from Liszt's original autograph manuscript.

(Hungaroton HCD 31517)


Deuxieme Année ľ Italie 1 Spozalizio
R. 10/b G. 161
Deuxieme Année ľ Italie 2 Il penseroso
R. 10/b G. 161
Deuxieme Année ľ Italie 3 Canzonetta del Salvator Rosa
R. 10/b G. 161
Deuxieme Année ľ Italie 4 Sonetto 47 del Petrarca
R. 10/b G. 161
Deuxieme Année ľ Italie 5 Sonetto 104 del Petrarca
R. 10/b G. 161
Deuxieme Année ľ Italie 6 Sonetto 123 del Petrarca
R. 10/b G. 161
Deuxieme Année ľ Italie 7 Apres une Lecture du Dante - Fantasia quasi Sonata
R. 10/b G. 161
Venezia e Napoli. Supplément aux Années de Pelerinage 2d volume - Italie 1 Gondoliera
R. 10/c G. 162
Venezia e Napoli. Supplément aux Années de Pelerinage 2d volume - Italie 2 Canzone
R. 10/c G. 162
Venezia e Napoli. Supplément aux Années de Pelerinage 2d volume - Italie 3 Tarantella
R. 10/c G. 162
Venezia e Napoli (1. változat - 1st version - 1. Fassung) 1 (Lento)
R. 10/d G. 159
Venezia e Napoli (1. változat - 1st version - 1. Fassung) 2 (Allegro)
R. 10/d G. 159
Venezia e Napoli (1. változat - 1st version - 1. Fassung) 3 (Andante placido)
R. 10/d G. 159
Venezia e Napoli (1. változat - 1st version -1. Fassung) 4 Tarantelles napolitanes
R. 10/d G. 159
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