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Kodály Zoltán: Hét könnyű gyermekkar

Magyar népdalok és gyermekdalok

choral sheets

Arreglo: Upper Voices
Género: Obras corales
Época: Siglo XX
Idioma: Hungarian
Páginas: 12 páginas
Formato: 19 x27 cm (octavo)
Año de publicación: De marzo de 2024
Editorial: Universal Music Publishing Editio Musica Budapest
Nº de artículo: 15263
Nº de editorial: 6724
ISMN: 9790080152638
Zoltán Kodály's complete choral works for children's and female voices were published in a new, extended, edition in 2023 (Z. 6724 and Z. 6724A). This volume containing 59 compositions has been edited by the renowned conductor Péter Erdei, one of the most devoted interpreters of Kodály's choral works. The new edition takes into consideration the manuscript sources for the compositions housed in the Kodály Archives in Budapest. The publication features new, easily-legible music scores edited on uniform principles. For better readability, the new edition is printed in a slightly larger format than previous editions.

The present publication is an offprint from the renewed volume. It has the same format and is printed on excellent-quality pale-yellow paper.


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